- Service Order Processes
Creating a Service Order
Closing a Service Order
Cashiering a Service Order
Service Allocation Templates
- Knowledge Check (Optional)
Service Order Processes Quiz
- Collecting Payment
Taking Parts & Service Payments through Cash Control
Taking Parts & Service Payments through the Work Item
Till Balancing Report and Closing Tills
- Knowledge Check (Optional)
Collecting Payments Quiz

Service Orders
Learn the service order process, including creation, closing, and cashiering, with additional courses on using Cash Control for payments.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand the Service Order Process: Learn the step-by-step process of creating, managing, and closing service orders within the system.
• Demonstrate Cashiering a Service Order: Gain the skills to successfully complete the cashiering process for service orders, including applying payments and managing transactions.
• Utilize Cash Control for Payment Collection: Master the use of Cash Control to effectively collect payments, reconcile cash drawers, and ensure accurate financial transactions.