Accounting Management Learning Path
Learn to manage your department through courses such as reporting, maintenance setups, and control files just to name a few.
Accounting Dashboards for Managers
Learn how dashboards can be created and utilized to accounting's advantage when it comes to having real time data at your fingertips.
Creating New Users - All Departments
This course will guide you through creating new users, copying and pasting permissions, applying user roles, implementing a security policy, as well as a detailed breakdown of each security permission that can be given to a user for each department.
Accounting Control File
Navigate through the entire Accounting Control File with ease after completing this course.
Accounting Maintenance
Read through some basic maintenance items such as Chart of Accounts, Bank Management, Clear Schedule, Positive Pay, Fiscal Years and Journal Codes.
Accounting Reporting
Get a detailed look at your accounts payable and general ledger reporting through this course.
Audit Log Report
The Audit Log Report allows either the department manager or a master user to find out what changes were made within the software during a specific date range.
Accounting Workplan
Utilize our accounting plugin to ease the pain of chasing down overdue receivables customers for your accounting team.
Purchase Orders
Learn how to create purchase orders by code, or part, and how to manage them. We have also included some control file and maintenance options for a better understanding of the entire feature.
Creating Accounting Users
This course will break down the accounting permissions, the security policy as well as show how you can easily copy and paste permissions from one user to the next to speed up the process.